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My Socks Are on Fire!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
So I have reason to believe that my suitemate's girlfriend is currently living in the suite.

There was the previously blogged about mysteriously appearing q-tips, and I've also noticed that said suitemate has really girlie bedclothes. I can probably ignore that since I just lost some serious cred myself by using the word bedclothes. Another indicator of possible cohabitation has been the number of showers taken in our shared bathroom in the past few days.

Sidebar: What the frak is Dane Cook doing in an ad for the baseball post season?

Supposedly I share a bathroom with one other person. Given the average amount of times per day a college student showers, there should be about two showers per day in my bathroom. However, I have noticed that the number of showers taken has dramatically increased over the weekend. There hasn't been in increase in the number of bathing products, but from my own experience, I know that doesn't explicitly remove the possibility of extra people living here. Additionally The toilet paper seems to have been dwindling at a faster than normal rate, but that could just be my imagination.

I'm torn between my jealousy fueled need to cause emotional pain to people who are currently not single and my libertarian desire to celebrate the freedoms that can be found in the college atmosphere. To report or not to report, that is the question.

Also I've been having serious recurring back pain over the past week. The first time was at rehearsal, and just now I got hit with another. I'm not sure If it's a posture thing, if I'm using a bad chair or if it's possibly something more serious. I don't really want to go to the on campus quack shack so I'll probably just keep dropping Motrin. Yes, I admit it. I enjoy Ibuprofen.

Also I received a bag of gummie worms in the mail. It came with a bag of gummie bears, a jury summons, a passport application and a bag of lifesavers. I've been eating the gummie worms and have found six mutant worms. Typically worms come in two styles: green and clear, or red and yellow. Mutant worms contain all four colors. It's possible the bag contained more mutants, but I ate a lot of them in the dark so I couldn't tell.

Also I'm currently working on three different performance pieces. There is the play I'm working on at LCT, (Laughter on the 23rd Floor,) a piece for my acting class (an excerpt from David Ives's Ancient History) and a short monologue for my voice class (Leonard Cohen's "Famous Blue Raincoat") This is all very exciting, but I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my memorizing straight.

Relax Sheila, I've got you.

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Saturday, September 29, 2007
How to tell one of your suitemates had a female guest over last night:

A giant box of q-tips appears with no explanation.

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Friday, September 28, 2007
  Topic Free Blog
I know what you're thinking. "this blog is rarely topical anyway" True, but this time I've started this post with no idea whatsoever of what to blog about. Let's see what happens.

I still have a cold, but I've run out of tissues. I'm currently using paper towels until I can convince myself to go to wal-mart.

I have get my application for my passport turned in so I can go to Canada this summer.

I'm going to perform a scene from Ancient History by David Ives for my Acting class. This is very exciting because it is probably my favorite play by Ives and I wasn't sure I could find someone to perform it with me. We start rehearsing next week.

I've started using my New York accent for the play I'm in. I'm not sure how good it is, but I haven't had any complaints yet.

Callahan and his girlfriend are coming up to see the play on opening weekend. I offered to let them stay in my room, and it's probably going to be a tight fit.

Every woman I find myself attracted to is already in a steady relationship. Many moons ago I swore to myself that I would not be "That Guy," but I can now see where "That Guy" comes from.

Little Boxes on the hillside. Weeds is a fun show, but I'm not sure I like the direction this season has taken. I'm just now catching up on 30 Rock.

I watch too much TV.

This post is going to have a lot of tags.

I really think the Nelsons' story would make a great play. I'm just not sure what it would be about. (their blog can be found here.)

I can't frakking believe that Clark is 7 and a half years old. Where does the time go?

I have managed to stay on my two pages for the entirety of the semester so far. I had one bad day where I forgot about it until after I had eaten, but I wrote three pages that day to make up for it.

I submitted my script to RROAPS already this year and so did some other people I know. I just really hope his script doesn't get picked. I don't even know what it is about, and I don't really care, but if his previous scripts are any indication I don't have much to worry about.

I want my bands back. You can't have them anymore. I'll give back Wicked, Millie, The Cars, and even Cabaret, but I want exclusive rights to Ookla the Mok, the Streets and Moxy Früvous. I think that's why I've been listening to so much JoCo. He's all mine.

I never really liked "Unworthy of Your Love."

I need to take a shower.

Rock on Diego.

Damn you Booth!

Aristophanes' play The Knights is going to be the topic for my research paper. He makes fun of the leader of his country and discusses free speech.

You're fighting the outfit and the outfit's winning.

Edit: Apparently I was wrong about the Tags. there's a limit on the number of characters.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
  Being Sick Sucks
So Friday I start coming down with a cold. No big deal.

Unfortunately this cold has plans. Plans to drive me crazy.

It started normally. A tickle in my throat, a little sinus blockage. But now it has progressed into the final stages of malaria. (Disclosure: I don't know what the symptoms of malaria are.) I can't go more than five minutes without needing to blow my nose. If I do go longer than that (say in class) I end up sniffing constantly so as not to let snot run into my mustache. (you've mentally watched it, you can't mentally unwatch it) My throat feels like it has collapsed in on itself. Eating anything is painful. I have a nearly constant headache. My lips are cracked beyond the threshold of pain, because I can't breathe through my nose at night. Meaning I breathe through my mouth which dries up and cracks painfully. And to top it all off, My nose is bleeding. My nostrils have become so chapped because of the constant nose blowing that they my last three tissues have come away with blood. This all may be disgusting to you, but I'm having to live through it.

Also, I applied for a position as an official Texas Tech Blogger. This would be an incredible opportunity for me. I would get to be a face of Texas Tech. Also I can imagine getting away with strange things because "I'm a Blogger" and a flash of my TTU creds. The latter part is probably just a fantasy, but a cool one none the less.

If you're a TTU official reading this in attempt to assess my ability as a blogger please disregard that last paragraph. Also, I would love to work for you. Blogging is very fun for me and I would love the opportunity to bring more people to the awesome college that is Texas Tech. Seriously, I love this college. If I could stay forever, I probably would.

Alrighty I have to go. Craig Ferguson is almost on.

That's right. A muscular blood pumping organ.

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Friday, September 21, 2007
So this afternoon I feel a little tickle in my throat.

I know this little tickle. This little tickle is trying to tell me that I'm going to be sick soon.

This little has been steadily increasing since I first noticed it. So far I am asymptomatic otherwise, but it's a matter of time. I sucked on a lozenge that I found in my backpack but it had little to no effect. I though about drinking something warm like a nice cup of tea, but the only hot beverage Sam's has is coffee and then only in the mornings. I didn't want anything carbonated or caffeinated so my options were a little limited. I finally settled on milk. Now in voice class today we had it impressed upon us how dairy products are bad for your vocal folds (not cords and definitely not chords,) but I don't care. Milk is the only thing I have available that isn't corrosive to my throat, so that's what I'm drinking. Also I'm not planning on being a singer so I care even less.

Spiderman's master plan.

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Thursday, September 20, 2007
  Quantum Flux
There is a message in my inbox. I know who this message is from, and I know that the contents of the message are either positive or negative. However, as I have not looked at the message yet, The message is currently in a state of flux. It is both positive and negative at the same time. Only when I venture into the message proper will the waveform collapse. I'm not sure what a waveform is but when it collapses one of the options (positive or negative) will be destroyed and the other will become finite and measurable. I'm pretty sure the message is not about a dead cat, but if it is I will be sure to stop observing it.

So I have a paper to write for my Theatre History class. The paper is due in approximately 13 hours and 15 minutes from now. I know what the paper should be about and i know I need to start writing it. I have put off writing it for two whole days now. I had rehearsal tonight so I knew i would be up late working on it. I was afraid I would fall asleep while working so I purchased a couple energy drinks. I drank one of these at around 10:00 pm. Bad Idea. I am wide awake and watching an Infomercial about a steam machine used to remove wrinkles from clothing. Also for the past hour and a half I have been making various humming noises and feeling a burning in my stomach. Apparently this device is for people who are to stupid to use an iron without burning their clothing. Also it comes with a shoulder strap so it is "completely portable," as long as you are within reach of a household plug. The guy selling this has been on other infomercials I've seen in the past, but I don't know which ones. I want to punch him.

Your clothes reek.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
  Ahoy, Avast, Arrr.
Yo ho ho! It be Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Avast ye scalawags, and go out and talk like ye be pirates.

Alright that's enough of that.

While I really like the idea of talk like a pirate day I find it much harder to put into practice. On the one hand It's a neat idea that not enough people are aware of. When I go up to people today and say thinks like "Ahoy!" All I get is strange looks. The word of TLAPD needs to be spread around. Unfortunately I don't think the mainstream world would latch on to an idea like this. On the other hand, if everybody did talk like a pirate for one day it might lose some of it's weirdness, which make it less than cool. On the gripping hand, it would still be really cool if everybody talked like a pirate for one day. On the left foot, if TLAPD caught on there would be an increase in demand from the ninjas, cowboys, robots, clowns and penguins for their own day as well. On the right foot if all of those groups got days it may not be talk like a [blank] day because, for example, ninjas don't talk.

On my roommates hand, if there was a talk like a ninja day, everybody on earth would be silent for 24 hours. Except for those frat boys who would say something stupid. Of course if that were to happen everybody would kill them and it would be OK because the ninja defense (I wanted to kill him) would be acceptable for all ninja related murders on talk like a ninja day. On robot day everybody would wear boxes that had been spray painted silver, listen to techno music, and dance the robot. I'm not sure about cowboy day and penguin day, but if we combined them it would be pretty cool because the idea of penguins dressed like cowboys is just too cute to pass up. Clown day would just be a 24 hour long cream pie battle.

Upon looking back over the previous paragraph, I realize (once again) that I'm a genius. What on earth am I doing writing this blog when I could be out making the world an awesomer place? Then I realize that the quadruple dead bolt on my door won't let me out, except for one hour a week for recreation time.

She asked me if I wanted latte or Darjeeling tea.

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Friday, September 14, 2007
  My Calculator
In ninth grade, as far as I can recall, I decided I wanted a graphing calculator. My mother and I went out and we plunked down the 99 dollars for a TI-83 Plus. It was a good entry level calculator with an instruction manual over an inch thick. I tried reading through it but only made it a few pages before I realized that it could more than I would probably ever understand. I instead began focusing on the things it could do that I could also do, like algebra.

In my science class, I began making very crude animations. Basically I would fill up the screen with 1s and 0s and when you scrolled through them it looked like it was moving. This activity allowed me to miss the soap opera drama that was going on all around me.

My friends at school also had graphing calculators that they used to create rudimentary programs. This made my little animations seem cheap but I didn't care; they were for my entertainment only.

One year at SUM/TAG a friend taught me how to draw using the graphing feature. A skill I promptly forgot. At a similar camp I used my calculator to figure out the necessary equations for a java based version of Settlers of Cattan.

In tenth grade I enrolled in a college algebra course at my local county college. On the first day of this course I received my very first college syllabus. Contained in said syllabus was a note requiring me to get a graphing calculator. I was not worried because I had my trusty TI-83 plus.

I continued using my calculator through out my high school career. My mother became a math tutor and teacher, and she would borrow my calculator when she was teaching. I was fine with this because I knew she would treat it well, and I could get it back whenever I needed it.

When I left for college, I had to take my calculator with me. My mother was somewhat upset by this because she too had grown fond of my wonderful mathematical friend. However I was going to be an engineer and all engineers need a good calculator. My mother recognized this and showed me her understanding by giving me her slide rule that she used in college. I still don't know how to use the slide rule.

In my engineering classes everybody brought their calculators. I'm afraid I must admit I was struck with a pang of jealousy when I saw the calculators of my engineering comrades. They all has T-89s at the least. But I stuck by my old friend and we managed to make it through together.

After my first year, I had learned that engineering would not be my path. My need for my calculator friend could be drastically diminished depending on what major I chose. You loyal readers will know that I ended up in theatre, a field not known for its heavy use of the calculator.

I was too attached to my trusty calcy so I still brought him back with me my second year of college where I expected him to rest in my desk drawer for the majority of his last days.

But all was not lost between my calculator and I for I had a scenery class that required the occasional use of a calculator for drafting and the like. My good friend was waiting patiently of me at the back of my drawer, ready for action when I called. It was just like old times the two of us working together solving the mysteries of the math universe. A perfect team once again.

The next semester he returned to his drawer home, but it was nice while it lasted, and I knew he would be needed again some day.

Our story does not end here, for Jacie took a statistics class this summer and I was more than willing to let her enjoy my old friend as I once did. And I knew he would enjoy getting out for a little while. Jacie came and left my life but my calculator came back, if only to continue living its quiet life in my drawer.

This semester I am enrolled in the principles of lighting class. Lighting involves photometrics and photometrics involve math. on the first day of class, just like that day many moons ago, I saw on the syllabus that we would need a calculator. And just as before, I smiled because I had my trusty TI-83 plus waiting for me. while the rest of the class groaned at the thought of solving for x I rejoiced because I knew m calculator would not let me down.

The fateful day came today and I was prepared. I had placed my calculator in my backpack the night before, a feeling I'm sure it had missed. When we began working today it was like magic. My fingers flew across the keys and I was the first one finished with the worksheet. When checking my answers I found a wrong one, but it was a mistake on my part. My calculator didn't mind though because he knew that in my excitement I had just read the question too quickly and given him faulty data. It has happened to us before and it will happen again. We have an unspoken agreement not to let it get between us. Once we finished, I closed the case and put my calculator back in my backpack where I plan to leave it for just a while because I'll feel better with him near.

There's a part of the story I skipped, because it is painful. When I turned on the calculator today I expected to see that little cursor up in the corner. That single blinking eye letting me know my calculator was ready to work as hard as he could. I did indeed see that cursor when I hit the button to wake up my friend, but before the cursor was some text masquerading as an equation. The words JACIE + KEVIN = LOVE were staring at me, followed by that winking little eye. In this moment i became furious at my calculator. How dare he bring me this reminder of grief? Does he want nothing more than to hurt me? My rage subsided and I realized my anger stemmed from a misunderstanding. My calculator wanted to give me a pleasant surprise. He was just passing on a message that had been given to him to make me happy. How was he supposed to know what had transpired in his slumber? I quickly forgave him and we performed our mathematical magic, but I was saddled with the realization that I could never look at my calculator quite the same way again.

What ever happened to Fay Wray?

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Thursday, September 13, 2007
  I miss you
I miss you. All of you. Every person who was in my life before and has since left.

Today I looked back at all of the people I've known. Even considering that I'm not a terribly social person, there are so many people I've known. All of them have had some sort of hand in who I am today. Despite what I sometimes think, we are not in a vacuum. Everybody you meet has some effect on who we become. every human interaction is a butterfly flapping its wings in that chaos theory we call life. Here's a list of some of those people, in the order I remember them.

Lindsey (there were two of them)

Those are all the names I can think of at the moment, but there are so many more people I can think of whose names escape me. Which is a shame. I wish things could be the way they used to be. I wish I was as good a friend as I used to be. I wish you were in my life more. I wish you all will have incredible lives. I wish our paths may cross again.

I believe in you.

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Sunday, September 09, 2007
  Time for some MetaBlogging
I don't exactly think MetaBlogging is redundant, but it's close.

I've been reading the archives of this site, as I like to do sometimes, and have found some interesting things. I will list them along with some related thoughts here.

In June 2004 I wrote a fake interview between myself and a reporter at the midnight release of the third Harry Potter Movie. This might be the earliest record of me writing dialog that could be considered a script. This is interesting because I just finished the Script that I am submitting to this year's RROAPS today.

For the closing lyrics of one of my posts I used "fell in love with a girl" which informed my that my recent discovery of the Wite Stripes was in fact a rediscovery. Either that or i was quoting the polka version Weird Al did.

August 2004:
Patty O'Shneeegins. At one point in time. Kelsey and I decided to call Bennigan's this. It didn't last very long. I have also not been to a Bennigan's in a very long time (possibly a year.)

Communists. Even back them I didn't like them. My form of rebellion was to post the opening of the communist manifesto in the dialect of Elmer Fudd. I still hate Communism.

It's interesting to see the way I wrote back then and now. I'm not exactly sure it's gotten better but it has indeed changed.

There some interesting things I want to do but probably wont for one reason or another. The second is to go through life wearing my Arthur Dent costume for a week. (The costume consists of slippers, flannel pajama pants, a blue t-shirt and my green bathrobe) The first is possibly even stranger; I want to spend some time in jail or prison. (There is a difference.) I watched way too much Law & Order today (there was a marathon on USA) and I am now really curious what the penal system is like to go through. The easiest way to do this would be, of course, break some serious laws, but the other repercussions from this would have a negative effect on my life. I think it would be possible to work something out wit a particular jail, but I'm only basing that on things I've seen on TV and in movies. I'll have to chalk it up as another thing of cool things I would like to do and write a book about. For what it's worth It will be replacing "go on a long road trip with friends" as I shall be doing that next summer by going to Canada.

I tried going to the Honors College Cookout today, but it didn't really work. I am not a social creature. They did have some tasty hot dog things.

Also of note: I recently listed this blog on Technorati and so implemented the title thing instead of just writing the first line as a de facto title/introduction thing.

Or buy you a beer with a Draino chaser
Saturday, September 08, 2007
I've had an inspiration.

A few months ago I mentioned a fashion statement known as the Frat Tuck. This odd way of only tucking in the front three to five inches of one's shirt Confused me, to say the least.

At first I though it was possibly a sexual thing. I'm not really sure what kind of sexual thing but that is what I guessed. However in the past few days I have noticed a trend in the nature of those who wear the frat tuck. Almost all of them also have large obnoxious belt buckles. I've seen those sorts of buckles at kiosks at the mall, but It never occurred to me that people actually bought them. For those intrepid consumers who did venture away from these fabled kiosks with a purchase in hand, it is important to let others know of your acquisition. Unfortunately in our current modern era it is terribly unhip to gallivant in public with your shirt tucked in. The solution to this problem is, of course, the frat tuck.

It is also possible that I have the chain of events backwards. It could be that the frat tuck came first and does, in fact, have a sexual connotation, and the belt buckle is just another shiny object to draw more attention to the designated area. Who knows.

I know that you know
That I'm not telling the truth
Friday, September 07, 2007

So tomorrow is my last day without facebook. I haven't decided if I'm going to get on in the evening which would be one week after I signed off, or waiting until Sunday. The loss of facebook hasn't been dramatic by any means there were only a few times when I wanted to get on. There was one close call when I accidentally clicked the link in my bookmark toolbar, but i closed the tab before it loaded. There were also a few times when I wanted to check some information about somebody, and I would think to myself, "I can look at facebook" only to quickly realize my mistake. For all those of you who worried, I successfully made it to Cole's party, although later than intended, because I was working.

In addition to the loss of facebook, I also rencently lost my position as Member At Large for the TTU chapter of USITT. This is somewhat of a mixed blessing because I enjoyed the work, but I'm not really a good fit to the organization. I'm not a designer or stage manager, and I have no plans to be. I did enjoy being in a position of responsibility, even if we (USITT) didn't really accomplish much last year. The other two remaining members of the executive committee were reelected, so I somewhat expected to be as well. Even though I'm not sure I wanted to continue in the organization anyway it kind of sucks to lose at anything. I told myself that I probably wouldn't be active this year if I wasn't reelected, and that will probably be the case. I want to clarify that it is not out of spite of losing the election, but because I don't really belong in the organization. I'm trying to focus more on my writing and while I would have time for USITT I don't think I would have the commitment. Fred said, you don't have to be a designer to join and cited me as an example, but I feel out of place so I'm probably not going to re up this year.

There's a third thing but it is not a loss. At least not yet. At the moment it's not much of anything. I'll get back to you once I figure it out for myself.

He played trumpet and he died.
Monday, September 03, 2007
So Darn Itchy!

I got my bike out of the repair shop last week, because they fixed my flat tire. It had been a long time since I rode my bike and I had forgotten how fun it was. Cruising across campus is so easy on a bike, and much faster than it should be. Not half an hour after getting it back I'm riding to the theatre for safety training. I make a turn on a gravel area, like I've done many times before, only this time I'm not quite used to it yet, so I totally wipe out.

I'm not terribly injured, but I'm bleeding a little, so I bandage myself up, with my incredible first aid skills.

That was about 5 days ago, and I've healed pretty well but my elbow, which is where i got hurt the most, is extremely itchy. I want to take the bandage off and scratch it like crazy, but i know that would be a bad idea, so i just sit here with an itchy elbow.

If you think that a kiss is all in the lips
C'mon, you got it all wrong, man
And if you think that our dance was all in the hips
Oh well, then do the twist
Saturday, September 01, 2007
I quit facebook.

Now don't get wild on me just yet, I temporarily quit facebook. It wasn't a planned event, but rather I was trying to think of some humorous way to update my status, and I typed something along the lines of "Kevin is getting off facebook for a week, because he can." I don't know the exact quote, and I can't go check it because I've quit facebook.

For the first hour or so, it wasn't too bad. I've gone whole days without c hecking facebook before and so I figured this would not get troublesome until at least day three. I was wrong. I forgot that facebook sends you email updates, whenever something happens. Not an hour after I signed off, I receive an email stating that Cami, whom I haven't spoken to since before the summer, wrote something on my wall. Once again had this been a planned experiment I'm sure I could have found a way to turn off these email notifications, but alas I was being spontaneous.

Also it occurs to me, as Cole signs onto AIM, that I don't know where his birthday party is this Wednesday. I'm sure it will be no problem to ask him about it next time I see him, but I'll need to remember to do so.

The third item on my list of things I should have done beforehand is tell people to check this blog for updates. I don't exactly advertise my blogging because I put some pretty heavy stuff here, but occasionally I'll link to it on my profile for 24 hours.

I guess this is a good a time as any to welcome any intrepid readers that have stumbled here from facebook. Welcome! As mentioned in the previous paragraph, there is some heavy stuff that gets posted here. I should note that this blog is about me and my outlook. This is one of the few places where I am 100 percent honest. That's not to say that my feelings don't change. What I wrote here three years ago is very different than what I felt three weeks ago, and that is decidedly different that what I felt three days ago. So intrepid readers, I invite you to comb through the archives, but be warned, if we know each other you might be mentioned, I might have used a pseudonym I might not have. Any thing on here is something that I deem worthy to posted on the netterwebs. That means it's important to me. If something I post here bothers you that's OK. But rarely (read:never) will I edit previous posts. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I may not be proud of what I put out here but I mean it. If you want to talk about it go ahead, I have comment links for all of the posts, or you can just ask me about in the real world. If it's here it's fair game for discussion.

Also, also: I recently discovered The White Stripes. Why didn't anybody ever tell me that this band rocked so hard?

Yeah, I swam beside the hair
She had one white eye
One blank stare
Lookin' up, lyin' there
This is just one man's blog. You will read about my life and what happens therein. Will it change your life? No. Should you read it? Probably not.

I guess this is a good a time as any to welcome any intrepid readers that have stumbled here from facebook. It should be noted that there is some heavy stuff that gets posted here. I should also note that this blog is about me and my outlook. This is one of the few places where I am 100 percent honest. That's not to say that my feelings don't change. What I wrote here three years ago is very different than what I felt three weeks ago, and that is decidedly different that what I felt three days ago. So intrepid readers, I invite you to comb through the archives, but be warned, if we know each other you might be mentioned, I might have used a pseudonym I might not have. Any thing on here is something that I deem worthy to posted on the netterwebs. That means it's important to me. If something I post here bothers you that's OK. But rarely (read:never) will I edit previous posts. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I may not be proud of what I put out here but I mean it. If you want to talk about it go ahead, I have comment links for all of the posts, or you can just ask me about in the real world. If it's here it's fair game for discussion.

Everything here is the intellectual property of the owner unless otherwise indicated. Steal it and I will have my posse of legal students attack you face. There is no fair use of it, just stealing. If you want to quote me, ask first.

Woot! Links!
dull men
Sluggy Freelance
Penny Arcade
Moxy Fruvous
I can Has Cheesburger?

February 2004 / March 2004 / April 2004 / May 2004 / June 2004 / July 2004 / August 2004 / September 2004 / October 2004 / November 2004 / December 2004 / August 2005 / September 2005 / October 2005 / November 2005 / February 2006 / April 2006 / May 2006 / June 2006 / February 2007 / March 2007 / April 2007 / May 2007 / June 2007 / July 2007 / August 2007 / September 2007 / October 2007 / November 2007 / December 2007 / January 2008 /

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