Ahoy, Avast, Arrr.
Yo ho ho! It be Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Avast ye scalawags, and go out and talk like ye be pirates.
Alright that's enough of that.
While I really like the idea of talk like a pirate day I find it much harder to put into practice. On the one hand It's a neat idea that not enough people are aware of. When I go up to people today and say thinks like "Ahoy!" All I get is strange looks. The word of TLAPD needs to be spread around. Unfortunately I don't think the mainstream world would latch on to an idea like this. On the other hand, if everybody did talk like a pirate for one day it might lose some of it's weirdness, which make it less than cool. On the gripping hand, it would still be really cool if everybody talked like a pirate for one day. On the left foot, if TLAPD caught on there would be an increase in demand from the ninjas, cowboys, robots, clowns and penguins for their own day as well. On the right foot if all of those groups got days it may not be talk like a [blank] day because, for example, ninjas don't talk.
On my roommates hand, if there was a talk like a ninja day, everybody on earth would be silent for 24 hours. Except for those frat boys who would say something stupid. Of course if that were to happen everybody would kill them and it would be OK because the ninja defense (I wanted to kill him) would be acceptable for all ninja related murders on talk like a ninja day. On robot day everybody would wear boxes that had been spray painted silver, listen to techno music, and dance the robot. I'm not sure about cowboy day and penguin day, but if we combined them it would be pretty cool because the idea of penguins dressed like cowboys is just too cute to pass up. Clown day would just be a 24 hour long cream pie battle.
Upon looking back over the previous paragraph, I realize (once again) that I'm a genius. What on earth am I doing writing this blog when I could be out making the world an awesomer place? Then I realize that the quadruple dead bolt on my door won't let me out, except for one hour a week for recreation time.
She asked me if I wanted latte or Darjeeling tea.
Labels: clowns, cowboys, insanity, ninjas, penguins, pirates