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My Socks Are on Fire!
Thursday, August 26, 2004

Apparently there's a tiny invisible monkey on my back that enjoys reading.

I'm currently reading Fight Club, by Chuck Palaniuk and Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, by Douglas Adams. Both good, but one really messes with your head and the other just makes me laugh.

The US women’s soccer team just scored in overtime, there’s five minutes left and it looks like we may win it all.

That one thing that’s great about the Olympics, it gives all Americans a chance to band together as we say “Our country’s better than yours!” Isn’t it great?

And thanks to The Dialectizer here’s the preamble to the Communist Manifesto as read by Elmer Fudd:

A spectwe is haunting Euwope -- the spectwe of communism. Aww the powews of owd Euwope have entewed into a howy awwiance to exowcise this spectwe: Pope and Tsaw, Mettewnich and Guizot, Fwench Wadicaws and Gewman powice-spies.

Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! Whewe is the pawty in opposition that has not been decwied as communistic by its opponents in powew? Whewe is the opposition that has not huwwed back the bwanding wepwoach of communism, against the mowe advanced opposition pawties, as weww as against its weactionawy advewsawies?

Two things wesuwt fwom this fact:

I. Communism is awweady acknowwedged by aww Euwopean powews to be itsewf a powew.

II. It is high time that Communists shouwd openwy, in the face of the whowe wowwd, pubwish theiw views, theiw aims, theiw tendencies, and meet this nuwsewy tawe of the spectwe of communism wif a manifesto of the pawty itsewf.

To this end, Communists of vawious nationawities have assembwed in Wondon and sketched the fowwowing manifesto, to be pubwished in the Engwish, Fwench, Gewman, Itawian, Fwemish and Danish wanguages. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit!
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
I should really clean out my hard drive more often.

The following is a short essay that I just found when searching for the first episode of "Star Trek: New Voyages" that I downloaded months ago. (www.5yearmission.com for more info on that, basically it's people who are making the last two seasons of The Original Series, kind of nifty actually)

Please refrain form making fun of me too much, but all of this happened because the first paper I wrote in my freshman college English class was more humorous than it should have been. So I had to re-do it.

The essay is as follows:

You ever notice how the word bed looks kind of like one? Just in the sort of abstract art form sense. At the beginning you have the b which if you squint just right looks like the headboard and pillow, and then “ed” is a guy I knew in high school who didn’t do much but sleep through spaish classes and drool. Let me start at the start, then take it away, my name is Simpson, Bartholomew J. Just another terrible Tuesday, February 11, I’m not saying that Tuesday, February 11, is always bad but in my life time there have been very few that I can speak of. And from my current knowledge this is the worst. Sorry if I’m getting all cryptic but this Tuesday has gone from full of suck to more than full of suck, and it’s not even eleven AM yet. I woke up late because I hit the wrong button on my alarm clock, specifically the off button instead of the snooze button, while this may seem helpful in allowing me more sleep time it also ravaged my getting ready time. I have about ten minutes left in the class period, Praise the Lord Himself, but then again I could very well be stuck in one of those time warps where ten minutes is way too long, deffinately not a good thing. RE-DO? She gave me a freaking RE-DO? What the heck? “lets get out of highschool?” I AM IN HIGH SCHOOL!!! Sure I’m not doing much there either, but I expect that one of these days, I’ll flunk out of that too, considering the rate at which I’m going. Ooh goody the clock moved forward, now I have about five minutes left of anti-bliss. Almost four. Two. Less. Counting down. Descriptive narrative, written on February 27, about a trip to a museum.

Saturday, August 14, 2004
The lyrics from the Perfect Country Western Song:

Well i was drunk
the day my mom got outta prison
and i went to pick her up in the rain
but before i get to the station in my pickup truck
she got runed over by a darned old train.

Thank you
Friday, August 13, 2004
At least we're ot the only ones.

This comic pretty much describes the conversation every time We(that being Kelsey and I) want to go out. except we always go to Patty O'Shneeegins for food.

We did however see princess diaries two, today, and i really hope that the books are alot better. It's not that the movie was bad, but it was entirely too predictable(aren't they all nowadays?) and something else that i for got to remember.

Big Brother was on tonight, but i haven't yet watched it but i'm pretty sure that Jase Got voted out, Yay!
Monday, August 09, 2004
Well it's 8:37, and so i decided to post.

This past weekend was long but fun. It started Friday night with the KiDooleys, the award show for kids at the runway. it was ok, not great, but afterwards Kels and Emilie set lights, while i gave commentary on their work. Saturday was the real Dooleys the adult award show for people at the runway. it was loads more fun because there was 96 bottles of champagne floating around. (but whose counting?) Anyway, Kels and I did Lights and sound respectivly, with me filling in on lights while she was participating in the female Dooley Dansers' rendition of the Cell Block Tango from Chicago. the guys on the other hand performed a dance from the full monty. after all the awards had been given out the show ended and the real party started. Well it would have if the stupid CD player would play what it was supposed to, it did manage to play both the soundtracks from Grease and Chicago, which have become Runway traditions. everybody was onstage to render Summer lovin', the girls did cell block tango again, my shoes starred in Mr Cellophane, and Kelsey Performed an excellent rendition of Roxie, with all of the guys as backup.

then we went to IHOP and got back around 5 AM.
Thursday, August 05, 2004
The deffinition of surreal.

Playing Unreal Tournament 2003 while listening to Edgar Allen Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart," as read by Iggy Pop.
Monday, August 02, 2004
Who says change is good?

It used to be that i would just type my post into Micro$oft Werd, to utilize the spell and grammer checks, and nifty freatures like autoCorrect, and then cut and pasts them into the blogger poster hingey, but now whenever i try to do something like that it gets all funky with thre formatting. annoyance much? so now you get to view my horrible spellerazation, ang bad grammer.

By the way, does anybody still read this?

and i saw The Village, today and it wasnt bad at all, it wasnt really a horror movie but the twists, were not to hard to guess, infact I guessed it right after only seing the previews.

Can't think of anything to do yea
my left brain knows that
all love is fleeting
she's just looking for something new
and I said it once before
but it bears repeating

Sunday, August 01, 2004
Stuff I did today.

Today I went to Work, yeah that was boring.

Today I did not go see Thunderbirds. It’s horrible, and a sad, sad, miserable, pathetic attempt to cash in on a cool franchise that the people who make up the target demographic of the movie will likely have never heard of. It’s like they took a cool concept and turned it into spy kids 4. And it has the line “Time to thunderize!’ which is probably one of the worst lines ever uttered on screen, especially considering that the show already had a cool catchphrase, specifically “Thunderbirds are go!” (if you didn’t know that, you should have.)

Today I went to Sonic for dinner. On the way to sonic, a guy driving a car with a boat attached almost hit our car. Then when we got to Sonic, we got some food, like a jr burger with bacon and a breakfast burrito (just a regular one not that st00pid super sonic one, it’s icky). On the way back from Sonic there was this corner on the road where someone had apparently dumped a big box of papers all over the street. I, being the curious person that I am, made my mother pull the car over and I got out real quick and grabbed a bunch of them off the ground. They were mostly about some legal college.

<>I didn’t get to see Kelsey today. I was going to go to rehearsal with my father, but he didn’t have to go, and the Perkins came over and we had to do stuff with them, and I couldn’t be rude and leave.

Oh yeah, at work I bought Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk, and Put a Lid on It by Donald Westlake.

I didn’t talk to anybody on AIM, because nobody’s ever on when I am. I guess it’s partially due to being close to nocturnal. I don’t usually get to sleep before 1:30 and I don’t get up before 10:00 if I can help it. Darn theatre.
This is just one man's blog. You will read about my life and what happens therein. Will it change your life? No. Should you read it? Probably not.

I guess this is a good a time as any to welcome any intrepid readers that have stumbled here from facebook. It should be noted that there is some heavy stuff that gets posted here. I should also note that this blog is about me and my outlook. This is one of the few places where I am 100 percent honest. That's not to say that my feelings don't change. What I wrote here three years ago is very different than what I felt three weeks ago, and that is decidedly different that what I felt three days ago. So intrepid readers, I invite you to comb through the archives, but be warned, if we know each other you might be mentioned, I might have used a pseudonym I might not have. Any thing on here is something that I deem worthy to posted on the netterwebs. That means it's important to me. If something I post here bothers you that's OK. But rarely (read:never) will I edit previous posts. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I may not be proud of what I put out here but I mean it. If you want to talk about it go ahead, I have comment links for all of the posts, or you can just ask me about in the real world. If it's here it's fair game for discussion.

Everything here is the intellectual property of the owner unless otherwise indicated. Steal it and I will have my posse of legal students attack you face. There is no fair use of it, just stealing. If you want to quote me, ask first.

Woot! Links!
dull men
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Moxy Fruvous
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