Who says change is good?
It used to be that i would just type my post into Micro$oft Werd, to utilize the spell and grammer checks, and nifty freatures like autoCorrect, and then cut and pasts them into the blogger poster hingey, but now whenever i try to do something like that it gets all funky with thre formatting. annoyance much? so now you get to view my horrible spellerazation, ang bad grammer.
By the way, does anybody still read this?
and i saw The Village, today and it wasnt bad at all, it wasnt really a horror movie but the twists, were not to hard to guess, infact I guessed it right after only seing the previews.
Can't think of anything to do yea
my left brain knows that
all love is fleeting
she's just looking for something new
and I said it once before
but it bears repeating