Stuff I did today.
Today I went to Work, yeah that was boring.
Today I did not go see Thunderbirds. It’s horrible, and a sad, sad, miserable, pathetic attempt to cash in on a cool franchise that the people who make up the target demographic of the movie will likely have never heard of. It’s like they took a cool concept and turned it into spy kids 4. And it has the line “Time to thunderize!’ which is probably one of the worst lines ever uttered on screen, especially considering that the show already had a cool catchphrase, specifically “Thunderbirds are go!” (if you didn’t know that, you should have.)
Today I went to Sonic for dinner. On the way to sonic, a guy driving a car with a boat attached almost hit our car. Then when we got to Sonic, we got some food, like a jr burger with bacon and a breakfast burrito (just a regular one not that st00pid super sonic one, it’s icky). On the way back from Sonic there was this corner on the road where someone had apparently dumped a big box of papers all over the street. I, being the curious person that I am, made my mother pull the car over and I got out real quick and grabbed a bunch of them off the ground. They were mostly about some legal college.
<>I didn’t get to see Kelsey today. I was going to go to rehearsal with my father, but he didn’t have to go, and the Perkins came over and we had to do stuff with them, and I couldn’t be rude and leave.
Oh yeah, at work I bought Survivor by Chuck
Palahniuk, and Put a Lid on It by Donald Westlake.
I didn’t talk to anybody on AIM, because nobody’s ever on when I am. I guess it’s partially due to being close to nocturnal. I don’t usually get to sleep before 1:30 and I don’t get up before 10:00 if I can help it. Darn theatre.