So I have reason to believe that my suitemate's girlfriend is currently living in the suite.
There was the previously blogged about mysteriously appearing q-tips, and I've also noticed that said suitemate has really girlie bedclothes. I can probably ignore that since I just lost some serious cred myself by using the word bedclothes. Another indicator of possible cohabitation has been the number of showers taken in our shared bathroom in the past few days.
Sidebar: What the frak is Dane Cook doing in an ad for the baseball post season?
Supposedly I share a bathroom with one other person. Given the average amount of times per day a college student showers, there should be about two showers per day in my bathroom. However, I have noticed that the number of showers taken has dramatically increased over the weekend. There hasn't been in increase in the number of bathing products, but from my own experience, I know that doesn't explicitly remove the possibility of extra people living here. Additionally The toilet paper seems to have been dwindling at a faster than normal rate, but that could just be my imagination.
I'm torn between my jealousy fueled need to cause emotional pain to people who are currently not single and my libertarian desire to celebrate the freedoms that can be found in the college atmosphere. To report or not to report, that is the question.
Also I've been having serious recurring back pain over the past week. The first time was at rehearsal, and just now I got hit with another. I'm not sure If it's a posture thing, if I'm using a bad chair or if it's possibly something more serious. I don't really want to go to the on campus quack shack so I'll probably just keep dropping Motrin. Yes, I admit it. I enjoy Ibuprofen.
Also I received a bag of gummie worms in the mail. It came with a bag of gummie bears, a jury summons, a passport application and a bag of lifesavers. I've been eating the gummie worms and have found six mutant worms. Typically worms come in two styles: green and clear, or red and yellow. Mutant worms contain all four colors. It's possible the bag contained more mutants, but I ate a lot of them in the dark so I couldn't tell.
Also I'm currently working on three different performance pieces. There is the play I'm working on at LCT, (
Laughter on the 23rd Floor,) a piece for my acting class (an excerpt from David Ives's
Ancient History) and a short monologue for my voice class (Leonard Cohen's "Famous Blue Raincoat") This is all very exciting, but I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my memorizing straight.
Relax Sheila, I've got you.
Labels: baseball, bedclothes, Dane Cook, girlfriend, gummie worms, indecision, jealousy, memory, Motrin, pain, passport, shower, suitemate