Being Sick Sucks
So Friday I start coming down with a cold. No big deal.
Unfortunately this cold has plans. Plans to drive me crazy.
It started normally. A tickle in my throat, a little sinus blockage. But now it has progressed into the final stages of malaria. (Disclosure: I don't know what the symptoms of malaria are.) I can't go more than five minutes without needing to blow my nose. If I do go longer than that (say in class) I end up sniffing constantly so as not to let snot run into my mustache. (you've mentally watched it, you can't mentally unwatch it) My throat feels like it has collapsed in on itself. Eating anything is painful. I have a nearly constant headache. My lips are cracked beyond the threshold of pain, because I can't breathe through my nose at night. Meaning I breathe through my mouth which dries up and cracks painfully. And to top it all off, My nose is bleeding. My nostrils have become so chapped because of the constant nose blowing that they my last three tissues have come away with blood. This all may be disgusting to you, but I'm having to live through it.
Also, I applied for a position as an official Texas Tech Blogger. This would be an incredible opportunity for me. I would get to be a face of Texas Tech. Also I can imagine getting away with strange things because "I'm a Blogger" and a flash of my TTU creds. The latter part is probably just a fantasy, but a cool one none the less.
If you're a TTU official reading this in attempt to assess my ability as a blogger please disregard that last paragraph. Also, I would love to work for you. Blogging is very fun for me and I would love the opportunity to bring more people to the awesome college that is Texas Tech. Seriously, I love this college. If I could stay forever, I probably would.
Alrighty I have to go. Craig Ferguson is almost on.
That's right. A muscular blood pumping organ.
Labels: blogging, blood, Craig Ferguson, nose, sickness, Texas Tech, tissues