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My Socks Are on Fire!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
  Quantum Flux
There is a message in my inbox. I know who this message is from, and I know that the contents of the message are either positive or negative. However, as I have not looked at the message yet, The message is currently in a state of flux. It is both positive and negative at the same time. Only when I venture into the message proper will the waveform collapse. I'm not sure what a waveform is but when it collapses one of the options (positive or negative) will be destroyed and the other will become finite and measurable. I'm pretty sure the message is not about a dead cat, but if it is I will be sure to stop observing it.

So I have a paper to write for my Theatre History class. The paper is due in approximately 13 hours and 15 minutes from now. I know what the paper should be about and i know I need to start writing it. I have put off writing it for two whole days now. I had rehearsal tonight so I knew i would be up late working on it. I was afraid I would fall asleep while working so I purchased a couple energy drinks. I drank one of these at around 10:00 pm. Bad Idea. I am wide awake and watching an Infomercial about a steam machine used to remove wrinkles from clothing. Also for the past hour and a half I have been making various humming noises and feeling a burning in my stomach. Apparently this device is for people who are to stupid to use an iron without burning their clothing. Also it comes with a shoulder strap so it is "completely portable," as long as you are within reach of a household plug. The guy selling this has been on other infomercials I've seen in the past, but I don't know which ones. I want to punch him.

Your clothes reek.

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