So I Can't Ride a Bike
At least not right after a semester break.
At the beginning of the fall semester I Took my bike in to the shop to have it's tire repaired. Fifty dollars later I ride it back to my dorm room. That afternoon I have to go to the Theatre to work in the shop. I hop on my bike and on my way to the shop I turn on a patch of loose gravel and SPLAT! I hit the ground. The damage was minimal, lust a bleeding elbow and some bruising on my thigh where I landed.
Monday I take my poke in to have the seat repaired. Today I ride to class and back with no problems. This afternoon I get on my bike to ride to my evening class. I make it about a hundred yards before something very mysterious happens and the next thing I know I am laying face down on the sidewalk, my glasses, pen and hat all thrown a different distance away and some serious pain in my elbow and knees. I remove my brand new sports coat (the sleeve is now ripped beyond repair, grr) and find what amounts to a serious case of rug burn on my elbow. inspection of my legs shows a similar situation on my knees and shins. I curse the fact that I'm going to be late to class because I decide to walk my bike back to the stand and hoof it instead.
If there is a moral to this story I don't know what it is.