Taking pleasure in your pain.
Is it wrong to enjoy the suffering of others? Probably. Does that keep us (meaning me) from doing it occasionally? Nope.
You're miserable, I'm happy.
You're having relationship issues, I'm living relationship free.
You're stuck in the same rut with a different guy, I'm doing what you said you wanted to: finding myself.
You're the same person, I've actually grown.
You're crying, I'm laughing. (that one I don't know for sure, but knowing you...)
I'm no longer bitter, I'm just better.
I don't know about you, but getting dumped by you was the best thing to happen to me in a long time.
It's also funny how feelings shift. last post I was tired of being single, and now I see the opportunity in it.
Makin' me feel glad that I'm not you.