I need a nickname.
Or perhaps a nome de plume. a pseudonym would accomplish the same thing but doesn't sound as fancy. This actually comes about from Phancy.com which I have read for a number of years. He always references his wife as Mrs. Phancy, and I like that. But I don't think I'm going to come up with anything good at the moment.
In other news, I have discovered why college students sleep all morning when they come home. One might think that it's due to not enough sleeping during the school year, and that students might be using that time to catch up. However this is not the case. The sleeping is because most college students have very little to do. We come home and most of our friends are elsewhere. Most of our empty days are spend doing what we do best: nothing. This also leads to another strange event Summer Jobs. Summer jobs are ways for our parents to pretend that we are still in college but come home to visit more often. Most people get a summer job for two reasons: to earn money and to stop being bored. The remedy for the second problem that I have chosen is summer school. This allows me to spend some time at home as well as not have to get a summer job. Unfortunately this leaves me with no source of income. This is a problem because I have recently started dating someone and things are going well which means I will be spending more money in the near future. Once the semester starts this won't be such a problem because I'll have a job then but i still have four weeks of summer school to pay for things in.
This post kind of wandered from the point.
I don't think there actually was a point.
Take a point called Z in the complex plane
Let Z1 be Z squared plus C
And Z2 is Z1 squared plus C
And Z3 is Z2 squared plus C and so on
If the series of Z’s should always stay
Close to Z and never trend away
That point is in the Mandelbrot Set