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My Socks Are on Fire!
Friday, April 06, 2007

I like Wal-mart I think it's a good store, wit lots of cool stuff at cheap prices. The only problem is that they put some sort of chemical in the air that causes people to buy useless junk that once purchased seems much less cool. The only experience I can relate to it is when I went to an oxygen bar in Colorado. Immediately after I left the bar i entered a movie memorabilia shop and found the awsomest shirt ever. It was based on a scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I loved it and ought it for probably ten dollars more than it was worth. I carried that shirt back to our buss and held the bag for the entire duration of the ride back to Texas (eighteen hours.) Upon Disembarking the bus my brain re-pressurized and I realized what had happened. I still like the shirt and I'm not upset that I bought it, I just wish that I had been more aware of the decision. Anyway at Wal-Mart today i bought a couple DVDs and when I was wandering around the toy isle I saw some water guns for a buck each. I immediately had a vision of how much fun I could possibly have with these things and it seemed infinite. I quickly grabbed two blue ones, and bought them upon checkout. Once I returned to my dorm, I realized what I had done and knew that the fun I was going to have was unpractical and limited at best. However they do fit in the sleeves of my coat very well and I have been practicing and mastered the double draw, as well as a number of cool poses, so I can look really cool in the mirror.

I must have done something right.
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