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My Socks Are on Fire!
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Another perfect day in Rhododendron Park

So it's Easter and I went home for the weekend. It's been a nice weekend as long as you don't count the weather. It's been a constant temperature of cold and cloudy all weekend. I'm pretty sure I left Lubbock to get away from all that. Oh well, from what I've heard it was snowing there. Kat finished blocking my scarf and I've been wearing it all weekend I'm just sad that I can't take it back to school with me. It's a full 17 feet including the six inches of tassel on each end. We took pictures of me wearing it as well as holding it over the balcony in our house. I managed to touch it to the highest point of the ceiling and the floor at the same time. When I wear it, it goes from about my knees with a loop at my knees as well. Not as long as i expected but i'm pretty sure the actual Doctor was shorter than I am. Anyway it fits awesomely, and at church this morning someone asked if I came in my TARDIS. I didn't hear him and I when i asked him to repeat himself he asked if I knew about Doctor Who. Of course I do! But it's awesome that the scarf was recognized for what it was.

Also at church today I got to see an old friend who moved to Rhode Island two years ago. When I was active in the youth group at church, she acted as the assistant youth director and was a second mother to many of the high schoolers including myself. Just this weekend My mother, when telling me that Jo might be here this weekend, mentioned that Jo had never really liked Kels and thought that if I ended up with her I would be settling. When I told her that Kels and I broke up, she said that she expected me to get rid of her a long time ago. Thanks Jo, I love you. I also talked to Chris who is the youth praise team leader and he asked if I was still "Together with ..." (he really did trail off like that, I don't think he remembered her name.) and I said that no we broke up, because she did some things. It's kind of weird, I always imagine myself talking bad about her when people ask, but it seems I just might be too nice. In my head I was the victim here and she was the bad guy. on the other hand I Probably look like the better person when I don't talk about it much. I am pretty sure that RT was only invited to stay at the Keltner's for the weekend to save her parent's some money on airfare. The farther I het away from the relationship, the better i can see the bad in it. Whcih is a good thing. I should probably write some of this down so I can talk to my therapist about it. Well I guess I am writing it down, now lets see if I can remember it.

Friday night I talked to Jacie's self proclaimed best friend for about 45 minutes. I called Jacie but she had left her phone in Debbi's room. Debbi made it very clear that I "Can't have Her(Jacie)" but seems like a pretty cool gal. we traded info for a while and i asked questions about Jacie in return for dishing out info on myself so Deb could look like she grilled me instead of the other way around. I then spoke briefly with Jacie when she got back from making her rounds as a CA, but she was distracted by whatever was happening on that end of the phone. Unfortunately Debbi and Jacie probably came out ahead because I don't remember things over the phone very well, so the balance of info is probably on their side.
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