I ain't blue.
Well everybody I know updated their blogs today, or at least recently so I though I should put a little something here too. "What's been going on?" I hear you ask. Well I'm still kind of looking for a job, but it's not looking good. I'm having trouble being motivated, and while I want money, I don't really want to work for it. We (being me Kels, Cammy, and Kat) are going to Scarborough Fair on memorial day, and it'll be cool. I want to wear a toga for my costume but Kels wont let me because she says it's from the wrong renaissance. With any luck I'll be able to get my chainmail dice bag fixed. The bottom link fell out and now it's just a tube.
I've started work on a D&D campaign, so feel free to point and laugh at my nerdedness. I think it'll be fun to be DM, and also fun if Kels joins John and Connor in playing. I think it'd be cool if we had one more player though.
Swoony is a cool dude. He's Korean and living in Canada. His blog is primarily to practice his English but it's still cool.
Kels and I have started watching Angel season one, last year before I went to college we started watching every episode of Buffy, and we managed to finish over Christmas break. So now it's on too Angel, but I only own the first four seasons of it, so I'll have to buy the last one once we get there, but Amazon has it for pretty cheap.
It's the end of the world as we know it.