Other changes in my collegiate life:
I'll be living in the newest dorm on campus, instead of the oldest one with the newest remodeling.
A friend of mine is engaged. Crazy. Extra Crazy, because she's my age and her fiance is Kels' age.
Kels is coming to Tech instead of going to Pratt. Which is both good and bad.
I have one week left of school, and two finals.
I'm hooked on the little chocolate donuts.
The president on 24 is the bad guy.
Nobody's reading this because I didn't update it for months.
I wanna be a playwright. And my script was selected for reading in class tomorrow.
My choice of classes has not been accepted by my (undecided arts and sciences) advisor so I have to got see her sometime soon.
I haven't played World of Warcraft in over a week and I'm ok with that.
I received my copy of the bill of rights: security edition.
Keifer Sutherland has signed a contract for 3 more seasons of 24, for a grand total of 8 days. I want to have a 24 watching party some summer were we spend a week watching every episode of the show, but I don't think anyone would come, even though each "day" only lasts 18 hours because of commercials, which means six hours for resting everyday on the fest.
Mea culpa, mea culpa,
Mea maxima culpa,
Mea maxima maxima culpa!
God deliver me! Release me!