Mmmm TV...
Well here's tonight's TV wrapup based on what I just watched.
Arrested Development is back for it's third and quite possibly last season, but it's still as great as ever. This episode included kissin' cousin's, camping, Reno, the blue man group, sleeping in cars, and the return of STEVE HOLT! (the name has to be said in all caps, with the exclamation mark.) Tonight was also the series premier of "How I met your mother." I really enjoyed the show and the twist ending was even better. You don't really see twist endings in sitcoms anymore, but I think it was a nice touch, it really made the show for me. Thirdly I watched "Prisonbreak." I am really hooked on this show, it's fun and intense, as long as you don't pay too much attention to the few plot holes and "Surprise Twist" that everybody saw coming. (It wasn't nearly as good as the one in HIMYM{if you read that right it's like the thing you sing in church.})
Now that I've mentioned the shows I watched, lets tackle about some commercials I saw. The Taco Bell ad camping currently being employed is stupid. "Full from a value menu?!?" as if such a thing were impossible. a) if you eat 6 things on the value menu you'll be full no matter what and b) the worst one is the politician dude who comes out and declares to the audience of generic mics "I'm FUUUUUUUULL" Which sounds like "I'm fool," to which I respond "with grammar like that, you sure are." The second commercial I remember is the Verizon V-cast ad with Pamela Anderson. I looked up her age, 38, which is less than I expected, but still not as young as she thinks she is. I will admit she is a very attractive woman,(no she doesn't look as good as you Kels) but her age is starting to show. This isn't a bad thing people age, and with age comes wisdom, but I would hope that she would wise up to the fact that she isn't funny. Final commercial: Lunestra. A sleeping pill. Possible side effects include: drowsiness.
Note: Verizon is in blogger's spell check, and blogger isn't. Now that's product placement!
DoubleNote: Mark likes bounce houses. (Kels asked me to put it in, and if you dont get it I'm not allowed to explain it to you)
Hmm, my compliments from me to you
On this your most intriguing hat
Consider though this substitute
A bat in place of this old rat
Huh! No, no, no, now that's all wrong
This thing will never make a present
It's been dead now for much too long
Try something fresher, something pleasant
Try again, don't give up