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My Socks Are on Fire!
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Flaming socks.

A quick search on google of "my socks are on fire" leads me to multiple sites about the short lived television show Twin Peaks. I've never watched the show but for one reason or another I know some about it. The show primarily dealt with the investigation of the death of a girl, but gained a cult following because of a lot of it's absurdities. For instance clues to the mystery were revealed to people in their dreams via "the Red Room" and a little person. These red room scenes were filmed with everybody moving and talking in reverse so that when played backwards it looked like it was moving correctly but with a very weird feel. From what I know the little person had experience in doing things backwards, for some reason or another and had to help train everybody else for their scenes in the red room. There was also a lady with a log who said weird things throughout the series and in an episode of "Northern Exposure" (which I've also never seen, but my mother loved when it was on) where somebody looks across a river or valley or something with binoculars and sees the previously mentioned lady with the log. Anyway in one episode a character asks for some pie and a glass of water, because his socks are on fire. Weird huh? Sidenote: in the "who shot Mr. Burns" episode of The Simpsons, chief Wiggum drinks some warm cream and falls asleep, his dream takes place in the "Red Room" from Twin Peaks but with Lisa Simpson replacing the little person.

It's football season, here at Tech which means that I have the campus to myself while everybody else goes to the game on Saturday evenings. I'm actually going to see a play at the Lubbock Community Theater if I can find it, and it's supposed to be a spoof of old 40's radio shows. Sounds fun no?

Last night I went to see "the Motorcycle Diaries" because I have to attend 3 cultural events this semester for the honors college and foreign films count. The movie was pretty good, but unlike my liberal suitemate it didn't make me want to go change the world.

I also had to attend an icecream social for recipients of a Presidential scholarship. I went with Ben a guy who lives down the hall and is also an engineering physics major, although with a specialty in electrical engineering instead of mechanical. Anyway, we went to the wrong building and had to call my dad and the honors office to figure out where it was, which happened to be across campus from where we were. We were about 20 minutes late but it was all ok.

I had ice cream for breakfast today. Ben and Jerry's, chunky monkey. It was good but I didn't finish it because there was a lot. Actually I think I'll finish it now.

To days of inspiration
Playing hookie, making something out of nothing
The need to express
To communicate,
To going against the grain,
Going insane
Going mad

To loving tension, no pension
To more than one dimension,
To starving for attention,
Hating convention, hating pretension
Not to mention of course,
Hating dear old mom and dad

To riding your bike,
Midday past the three- piece suits
To fruits to no absolutes
To Absolute- to choice
To the Village Voice
To any passing fad
To being an us-for once-, instead of a them -
La Vie Boheme
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This is just one man's blog. You will read about my life and what happens therein. Will it change your life? No. Should you read it? Probably not.

I guess this is a good a time as any to welcome any intrepid readers that have stumbled here from facebook. It should be noted that there is some heavy stuff that gets posted here. I should also note that this blog is about me and my outlook. This is one of the few places where I am 100 percent honest. That's not to say that my feelings don't change. What I wrote here three years ago is very different than what I felt three weeks ago, and that is decidedly different that what I felt three days ago. So intrepid readers, I invite you to comb through the archives, but be warned, if we know each other you might be mentioned, I might have used a pseudonym I might not have. Any thing on here is something that I deem worthy to posted on the netterwebs. That means it's important to me. If something I post here bothers you that's OK. But rarely (read:never) will I edit previous posts. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I may not be proud of what I put out here but I mean it. If you want to talk about it go ahead, I have comment links for all of the posts, or you can just ask me about in the real world. If it's here it's fair game for discussion.

Everything here is the intellectual property of the owner unless otherwise indicated. Steal it and I will have my posse of legal students attack you face. There is no fair use of it, just stealing. If you want to quote me, ask first.

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