Monday was really cool, i got to hang out with Cameron, Micah and Kaci, for the firsat time in about a year. we met at the mall and walked around, i bought a t-shirt from some store. thn i drove everybody to CAmeron's house in my usual sporaddic manner (it only
looks like i'm an unsafe driver), but first we stopped at Chick-fil-a and got some food. at Cameron's we played Halo 2, and some DDR then we drove back to the mall to pick up everybody's vehicles. wow when i type it out it seems like not much stuff, but we started at 2 and ended at about 10:30, so fill in all the blanks with loads of "you had to be there" talk.
And how lame/behind the times am i? here's my geek code. (i first saw this stuff years ago and i just recently figured out what it was.)
Version 3.12
GE/GPA d—s++:+ a--- C+ U? P L? W++ N w+ O- M- PS PE++ Y+ PGP- t+@ 5? X+ R tv+ b+++ DI++++ D++ G e h r++