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My Socks Are on Fire!
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Oh yeah.

Harry Potter #3 opens tonight at Midnight plus one. Kathryn and two of her friends planned out this super fun night of partying stuff for everybody. And by that I mean that there are lots of people going and we'll be dressing up in costume. I'm gunna be Sirius Black, on the run from the Ministry of Magic. I even have all of my back story planned out, and I’m hoping that there’ll be reporters there so I could be interviewed by them and it would have this little caption under my picture which said something like “Crazed Fan attacks reporters” and then there would be the interview itself and it would go like this:

: Ok so I see you’re wearing a green bathrobe, who are you supposed to be?

Me: I’m Sirius Black on the run from the Ministry of Magic.

Reporter: Well wouldn’t the bathrobe make you more conspicuous?

Me: Not really, because if you go around wearing a bathrobe all the time people are less likely to talk to want to talk to you, so they pretend not to notice you at all.

Reporter: But haven’t most of the non-magical folks been made aware of your presence?

Me: Sure I was on the news for a while, but people like to believe that bad things don’t happen near them, so most people just forgot about me.

Reporter: Wouldn’t coming out at a movie premier like this draw unnecessary attention from the people your running from?

Me: Not at all, the Ministry completely ignores things like this; they don’t want to even acknowledge the fact that Harry’s story got out at all. And besides at stuff like this there’s so many people who pretend that they’re me, the ministry would have a hard time finding the right me in the crowds of look-alikes.

Reporter: Why did you pick this particular movie theatre to come to?

Me: well, I was in the area and I just couldn’t miss an opportunity to be at the premier of a movie that has my name in the title.

Reporter: But you said your name was Sirius.

Me: Hello? Does “the prisoner of Azkaban, ring a bell? That’s me. Honestly, for a reporter you could use some more fact checking.

Reporter: Thank you for your time.

Oh yeah, and I also saw Les Mis last night at the Bass Hall. It was really cool and I was singing the songs all last night after the show. I did have a little trouble getting home because we had some serious storms happening but it wasn’t too bad except for the part where I took the wrong exit and almost ended up in Dallas.
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