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My Socks Are on Fire!
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Wow over a week, I didn't think it had been that long.

loads stuff has happened recently, and most of it's pretty good. Saturday I got up and went to work on the sets for Music and I ended up working with Brian, who was, for once, not entirely annoying. We had some paint that had partially solidified, and it was my job to make it usable again. I poured about half an inch of paint thinner onto the top of the paint and started stirring with (what else?) a paint stick. It was the consistency of really, really thick paint. After I mixed that in I repeated the process, by this point it was about as thin as paste. I managed to break the paint stick off in the paint. Someone finally asked why we didn't just go buy some more paint. I told them it was because our budget was about four dollars. They offered to buy some and donate it to the play, thus making my job obsolete. We (being Woodrow) then decided that we(being me and Brian) needed to spray paint some buckets and a table, so we did.

I had to leave the set building at 12:30 because Kelsey and I were going to a "teen cast party" for Cheaper, and then to see a movie. I guess it was a date but we never really called it that. The party was at one and I wanted to change out of my set building clothes into my party clothes. (different colored jeans and a clean t-shirt) The party was fun and we actually stayed for the duration, being the last ones to leave with the exception of Paul, Mark and Lauren (it was her house), There's something going on between them but I have no idea what it is. I digress, the party was fun it started with some volleyball in the almost rain, followed by most of the people jumping in he pool, which, despite those who would tell you otherwise, was not warmer than the outside. While some people were swimming the rest of us started a fire in one of those outdoor fire place like things. It was going ok but too much of the wood was wed, so it didn't last long. After the swimming we went inside and ate and talked about stuff in general. Mark handed out the laminated copies of "Marks Favorite Things" a song written about our production of Cheaper during the last performance. Eventually everyone decided to go upstairs, Kelsey and I realized that we were the only ones left downstairs, so we headed up to. Upstairs we listened to music and someone broke out Twister. I didn't play at first because I'm bigger than most everyone else. They did convince me to play one game once they set up two pads and got everyone else to play. I decided to play very aggressively (yes you can play Twister aggressively) and would have won but my knee started acting up. After the final rounds of Twister, they decided to play an old fashion game of ERS, the least intelligent card game since War. Kelsey, Mark and I opted out, but Mark later decided to slap in. Once again leaving Kelsey and I together to talk. We shared theatre stories until everyone headed back down to play some more volleyball. Kelsey and I continued our stories on the sidelines, and I learned that in addition to Tony being Javert in Carroll's production of Les Mis, but that Cole Grissom, who I don't know very well but I do know his father from the theatre and I know is a very excellent actor, was Valjean. Grrr... As if I wasn't upset enough about not getting a chance to see the show, this just made matters worse. Oh well. Margaret came over while we were telling stories and added a couple of her own. It's still hard to believe that she's a sophomore. During story time, the parents started showing up and the party pretty much ended.

after the party Kelsey and I went to the AMC theatre and tried to decide what movie to watch. We finally picked Starsky and Hutch, because it wasn't rated R and was starting soon. The movie was ok, except for the part where Ben Stiller was looking for some sugar and Owen Wilson said he didn't have any. I stipulated to Kelsey that there were sugar cubed on the plate right behind him, but she claimed that they were marshmallows. I questioned the validity of square marshmallows, and she said there were square if you mad them yourself. I still maintain that they were sugar cubes. After the movie, we walked outside into the blistering cold of April (yeah it's weird alright), and Kelsey complained of being cold so I wrapped my arm around her, which was pretty cool. (I'm allowed to say that, I'm a Geek)

Sunday was Easter so I did all of those things that people associate with Easter. Church, big family meal, played video games, the usual.

Monday I didn't have to go to Faith, so I went to my mother's math class instead, unfortunately it was canceled too. I called Kelsey on the way home and asked her to go see Approaching Zanzibar on Thursday. She said yes so then I had to figure out how to get there, but it's not too hard.

today I went to rehearsal for Music then went to work. My manager was going to send me home, because she need to cut somebody, but then Stephanie called her mom and she was having some problems, so she left instead of me. I don't really care because I need the money.

I just noticed that I spent as much space on Saturday as the rest of the days combined. Huh.

And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
'Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight
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I guess this is a good a time as any to welcome any intrepid readers that have stumbled here from facebook. It should be noted that there is some heavy stuff that gets posted here. I should also note that this blog is about me and my outlook. This is one of the few places where I am 100 percent honest. That's not to say that my feelings don't change. What I wrote here three years ago is very different than what I felt three weeks ago, and that is decidedly different that what I felt three days ago. So intrepid readers, I invite you to comb through the archives, but be warned, if we know each other you might be mentioned, I might have used a pseudonym I might not have. Any thing on here is something that I deem worthy to posted on the netterwebs. That means it's important to me. If something I post here bothers you that's OK. But rarely (read:never) will I edit previous posts. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I may not be proud of what I put out here but I mean it. If you want to talk about it go ahead, I have comment links for all of the posts, or you can just ask me about in the real world. If it's here it's fair game for discussion.

Everything here is the intellectual property of the owner unless otherwise indicated. Steal it and I will have my posse of legal students attack you face. There is no fair use of it, just stealing. If you want to quote me, ask first.

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