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My Socks Are on Fire!
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Since Sunday afternoon, there has been a huge pile of tree branches in our yard, and it's beginning to bother me. By huge I mean HUGE, I’m talking eight feet high, twenty feet long, and at least six feet wide. “How did this pile of useless lumber get there?” I hear you ask. Well it started a week or so ago when a dude from the city came and told us that the branches on the trees in our front yard had to be at least fourteen feet of the ground. He informed us that we had one week to cut the branches or the city would hire somebody to do it for us. (Not cheap) I would like to point out that city also required us to put these trees in our front yard about ten years ago. We refrained from telling the guy from the city this, even though its irony factor was very high.

Also I recently found a cassette from a band called EMF. The name was vaguely familiar so I popped it into my car stereo system and it turns out that it’s some sort of early nineties rock/surreal/new wave thing it’s not bad, but it’s definitely dated. It did, however give me an idea for a story that involves minivans and timetravel.

You stole my stereo
You stole my cheerio's
You stole my G.I. Joe
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This is just one man's blog. You will read about my life and what happens therein. Will it change your life? No. Should you read it? Probably not.

I guess this is a good a time as any to welcome any intrepid readers that have stumbled here from facebook. It should be noted that there is some heavy stuff that gets posted here. I should also note that this blog is about me and my outlook. This is one of the few places where I am 100 percent honest. That's not to say that my feelings don't change. What I wrote here three years ago is very different than what I felt three weeks ago, and that is decidedly different that what I felt three days ago. So intrepid readers, I invite you to comb through the archives, but be warned, if we know each other you might be mentioned, I might have used a pseudonym I might not have. Any thing on here is something that I deem worthy to posted on the netterwebs. That means it's important to me. If something I post here bothers you that's OK. But rarely (read:never) will I edit previous posts. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I may not be proud of what I put out here but I mean it. If you want to talk about it go ahead, I have comment links for all of the posts, or you can just ask me about in the real world. If it's here it's fair game for discussion.

Everything here is the intellectual property of the owner unless otherwise indicated. Steal it and I will have my posse of legal students attack you face. There is no fair use of it, just stealing. If you want to quote me, ask first.

Woot! Links!
dull men
Sluggy Freelance
Penny Arcade
Moxy Fruvous
I can Has Cheesburger?

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