OK blogger just got whack. I go to update this very blog you are reading right now but the entire update interface is all not right. it's like it got dumbed down. Before there were various frames that made it easy to write and check other administrative like things at the same time. But now it’s a bunch of individual pages, and because I’m on a computer that’s slower that molasses (Mo’ lasses? Why I ain’t had
no lasses, Mista Bones) and having to click from page to page takes a lot of time.
Also I’ve discovered that most of the web comics I read don’t, in fact, update at midnight, or at least midnight my time. That’s annoying. But it has given me tme to catch up on the Real Life Comic Archive.
Well while I was at work I tried to find “Are You Dave Gorman” and “Dave Gorman’s Googlewhack Adventure” only to come up empty handed in the computer. I could find no mention of either one in the system. This was slightly annoying because they both on my to be read list. I did however pick up “Rosencrantz and Guilderstern Are Dead” which reminds me of conversations that I’ve had with many of my friends. Anyway, I get home and try to find out what the deal is with the Dave Gorman books, only to find that they aren’t printed in the U.S. That ain’t cool. I checked around and found them at amazon.co.uk, but when I did the math it came to about $40 American with shipping for both books. Also not cool. I’m probably going to end up buying them at some point in time anyway, but with my current work schedule being about one shift per week or less, I don’t have a lot of extra cash flow.
My computer is so slow…
How slow is it?
It’s so slow that if you spin the scroll wheel too fast the page starts scrolling up.
It’s so slow that I can click five different times before the first one registers.
It’s so slow that loading a web page causes the CD-ROM to slow down.
It’s so slow that I can type my username and password in before the first character appears in the box.