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My Socks Are on Fire!
Monday, February 09, 2004
Well the cool points are heading toward the window and it's very likely that I’m mixed up in the game.

As I begin one of these things for the third or fourth time. I’m starting it as usual by talking about my relationships, or lack thereof. I'm currently in two plays, the sound of music at faith where I play the captain, and cheaper by the dozen at the runway theatre in which I play Larry the boyfriend of Anne gilberts the oldest daughter in the family. My story is concerned with the latter of these two productions. A few years ago through my connections at the theatre I met Kelsey who is a very fun person who I enjoy spending time with. My parents joked for a while about her having a crush on me, which seemed possible but I didn’t want to entertain the idea because I didn’t know her very well, and I’m a panzy. Since meeting her we have become friends through theatre over the last few years and from working together on shows. She recently went with my youth group and me on our annual ski trip, where some things could have happened but I’m not convinced that they did. There were moments that I just dismissed as over thinking and a subconscious reaction to everybody hooking up at long youth events. We had a good time either way and I invited her to a climbing lock-in with the same youth group about a month later. Between the ski trip and the lock-in I was cast in Cheaper opposite Liz who I connected with instantly. Once again I didn’t do anything because I had spent actually very little time with her (only one rehearsal), accused myself of making things up, and as stated previously I’m a panzy. After that one rehearsal the lock-in came around where Kelsey and I spent most of the night together on an indoor ropes course, there were also other people that we spent time with but those came and went. Then I receive third hand information from my mother that her friend's daughter who is also in the play said that there was something between us (Liz and I) and that I just hadn’t tuned in yet. (follow all that?)

Now that you have the back story...

Tonight was the second rehearsal of cheaper and Kelsey, who is also stage-managing the show, showed up, and of course Liz was there and in the words of dashboard confessional please send me anything but signals that are mixed. I think that I should ask Kelsey out but I want to see what could happen with Liz.

Oh yeah Kelsey also gave me a rose when she came to see little women. I was too dense to pick up on anything until the makeup girl asked "who's the girl?" am I really that blind? And the fact that Saturday is both a rehearsal and Valentines Day doesn’t help. Plus the cast drew names to make a valentine card for one person in the cast to help build cast togetherness, and I drew Liz. I hate irony.

The ice cream truck in my neighborhood plays helter skelter.
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