Weekend, part two, in two words: Twin Arrows.
Now for something more interesting. The complete list of books that I am
currently reading.
(In no particular order)
Time Enough for Love, Robert Heinlein.
Join Me, Danny Wallace.
Jimmy, the Smartest Kid on Earth, F.C. Ware.
Battle Royale vol. 5, Koushun Takami & Masayuki Taguchi.
Jennifer Government, Max Barry.
A Wizard Alone, Diane Duane.
The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, Michael Chabon.
The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse, Robert Rankin.
For Us, the Living, Robert Heinlein.
And here are some things I plan on reading soon:
Are You Dave Gorman?, Dave Gorman.
To Sail Beyond the Sunset, Robert Heinlein.
Night of Power, Spider Robinson.
Lake Wobegon Summer 1956, Garrison Keilor.
Dave Gorman’s Googlewhack Adventure, Dave Gorman.
The Pleasure of My Company, Steve Martin
All of this is brought up because I went to work again yesterday, for the first time in like 2 weeks. It was pretty standard as far as work goes, except for the large number of changes that happened since I was last there. Like stuff being rearranged and getting a bunch of new staff in. but anyway I spent some of the slow time just looking around and kept finding stuff.
I'm gonna bench press Rhode Island and have a thirty inch neck
I'm gonna jump through a doughnut just like they did in Star Trek
I'm gonna go skinny dipping but I won't worry about Jaws
I'll have a neat healing factor and adamantium claws