I would really enjoy a free weekend sometime. The last three have all been busy and fun, pleasant, amusing, entertaining and engaging, (because I wanted to use my thesaurus) but I’ve had almost no veg time. There was that whole lock in/scouts/work thing, then there was Valentines Day and the snow, and this weekend was almost longer than the first. Thursday I got up at like 5:30 so my father and I could drive to Amarillo and get there before his sales call that afternoon. We ate lunch at Friday's where we met two of the guys from the Amarillo office. We then went to said office where I worked on my math homework and listened to "Smell No Evil," "Super Secret" and "Oh OK LA" the three Ookla the Mok CDs I got for Christmas but didn’t arrive until after we had left Tulsa and then took two months to make their way to Grapevine. Good CDs on the whole, but I digress. After the sales call we continued our journey and wound up in one of the semi-famous Lubbock brown outs, where the winds bring up the dirt from Mexico. When we checked into the hotel there was a pair of mother's and daughters in front of us. One of the mothers asked the woman at the desk, in reference to the open fields on the campus visible from the lobby "Why aren’t there any students out there? Shouldn’t there be more?" to which my father, in his witty manner, quipped, "Usually there are but the hurricane force winds blew them all away." Heh. We met a friend of my dad's from work and his adult son at a nearby Mexican restaurant, which had some excellent quesadillias. The Son of the friend offered my dad and I a pair of tickets for the Tech and A&M basketball game on Saturday.
Friday morning we got up early again and walked to the Tech Spirit Arena from our hotel, about a mile from our hotel despite the fact that it was on campus and our hotel was just across the street from said campus (Tech is so big, land wise, they have busses running solely to take people around the campus). At the arena there was a presentation put on by the cheerleaders, the Poms (dancers) and the Saddle Tramps (male spirit group with big bells). Then the various colleges around the arena put on presentations. We saw the engineering talk and the honors college talk, both good. The college on engineering also hosted a free barbeque for people interested in the college, but I think more students than prospectives showed up.
Saturday morning we slept in and then watch Cool Runnings before checking out. Then because we had three hours to kill before the game we visited two pawnshops and a used bookstore where I bought “Time Enough for Love” by Heinlein (incase you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m on a bit of a Heinlein kick) and “Night of Power” the only book by Spider Robinson I don’t own that’s still in print. The Game was lots of fun and A&M got kicked. (w00+) Then we got in the car and drove the five hours home stopping only for gas and Dairy Queen.
Part two of my weekend will come later.
People always ask me, "When you gonna grow up
And when you do what will you be?"
That's when I always tell that if I'm gonna grow up
I'll do it on my own sweet time and what I become is still up to me